Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement

by Masonic Boys
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 1
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 2
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 3
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 4
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 5
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 6
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 7
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 8
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 9
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 10
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 11
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 12
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 13
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 14
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 15
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 16
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 17
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 18
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 19
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 20
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 21
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 22
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 23
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 24
Apprentice Land, chapter 4. Atonement - Picture 25
Once Apprentice Land was naked and oiled up, Master Weston instructed him to lower himself down onto the smallest peg. The boy did as told and then slowly made his way along the full line of pegs—moaning with more intensity every time he lowered himself onto one of a larger size.
